Imperium is a military style clan, divided into families. The four major families are Zxanguard, Dro'bher, Sweetsong, and Myrlind. Each of these families have clear roles, which are explained on their respective pages on this site. All families of Imperium subscribe to the same founding principles:
Leaders:ChuftTigernuts |
Imperium operates an open-door policy, meaning that applications are welcomed at any time. We have no sitting policy and you are free to remort when you like. Imperium consists mostly of mature players and is noted for its stable and reputable playerbase, however we welcome approaches from players of all ages and backgrounds Still interested? Then read our joining page for more details. |
Clan Laws
Family Laws
How to ApplyApplicants to Imperium are expected to have attained at least level 200 and to have earned over 10,000qp. Your application is to be posted on the Personal board addressed to Imperium. Please detail:
What to expectUpon receipt of your application you will receive a note from either a clan leader or the Family Head of Sweetsong notifying you whether your application has been accepted, requiring further details, or has been rejected. There are usually at least three interviews, a minimum two of which will be with clan leaders. You are expected to contact at least two leaders yourself. Please do not expect to be approached by them as you will be dissapointed. Interviews generally last 5-30 minutes, and you may be given a task to complete which will generally be related to the family you wish to join. Failure to complete an assigned task may lead to your application being rejected. Players with less experience may be asked to work towards a larger, long term target to prove their ability and commitment |
FinallyWe expect applicants to complete their interviews within two weeks, though real life pressures on applicants and clan staff may extend this. Once interviews are completed, successful applicants will be inducted while those that failed will be noted with the reason and whether they may apply again. Good Luck! |
Family Head: ChuftThe family of Zxanguard has been said by many to be the military family of a military clan. This is true in many ways, for they are the defenders and protectors of the clan and its allies. While all clan members are expected to defend when possible, defence is the primary focus of the Zxanguard soldiers, and they are the ones who are looked to for guidance and direction. In times of peace, Zxanguard members are often to be found mentoring other Imperium members, helping them attain SH status. In the most recent age, Zxanguard has been tasked with campaigning in epic areas to seek glory, honour, and wealth for themselves and their clan As Zxanguard has a very heavy responsibility, its members are placed under many expectations that go above other clan members. Respect, honour, trustworthiness, self control, teamwork, dedication, concentration, and helpfulness are just a few of the qualities that a good member of Zxanguard is required to have. As a military family, rules in Zxanguard are fairly strict. However, they take it as a team approach, and any member regardless of rank is always welcome to come to the family head or second with any problems, in or out of the family. |
Zxanguard Duties
Family Head: ChuftDro'Bher are the special forces of Imperium. Their sole purpose is to seek out and terminate enemies of the clan. They are the aggressive fist of Imperium, and as such, they hunt down the enemy and strike them in the very places they stand. Members wishing to join Dro'Bher should be unforgiving, and single-minded. They must be skilled in, or willing to learn the art of PK. Dro'Bhers commonly involve themselves with player killing and raiding. |
Dro'Bher Family Rules
Any breach of these laws by any clan member will be taken extremely seriously and open to disciplinary action. |
Family Head: TigernutsThe Sweetsong Family was comprised of the bards and minstrels, historians and scholars of Imperium. They were in charge of the clan libraries, administration, exploration, and morale. They were the ones who would watch and listen, report Imperium news and keep the clan informed of any events which Imperium may have been victorious in. T hey also do such things as run activities and contests. Those in Sweetsong required a good sense of humour, and used it in a lighthearted and happy manner. Sweetsong however was not only a family that plays- keeping track of Imperiums History is not always easy work. Sweetsong was the least-militaristic of the families, but prospective members need to show initiative to take family tasks on themselves, selflessly working in the background for the furtherment of the clan as a whole. Players interested in mapping, exploring, guide-writing, and planning social events are particularly welcome in Sweetsong. Old Jim Tigernuts still maintains the Sweetsong libraries - he is now old, hard of hearing, dim of sight, and his joints painful. Yet he will still know if you leave a single tome out of place. |
Sweetsong Duties
Family Head: Growltiger (Acting head)Before the great catastrophe, the Myrlind Family comprised of diplomats, priests, and missionaries who dedicated their lives to learning of, and creating relationships with new people and communities Myrlinds were sociable, approachable, outgoing, and tactful. Not only did they excel at befriending people, but also knew when to hold their tongues when acting in the best interests of the clan - a skill now lost to time. Myrlind were the ears of the clan, keeping their finger on the pulse of the lands and offering advice to the leadership. Myrlind members were not motivated by conquest, they were inspired to attract self-motivated members able to use their initiative and judgement. |
Myrlind Duties